If you use a soundclick beat or a beat from a small-time producer, then you should either lease or buy the beat, cause those are the people who will harass you cause like you, they don't make much money off this stuff. If your using a major artists beat, and you're not going to make any huge dent in the scene, just building a buzz, don't worry about it, it doesn't matter. The only issues you should worry about is are you going to use major artists beats or small time production beats and how many units are you really going to move. I've done about 5 mixtapes on industry beats, never heard from anyone cause no one cares, there are established artists who do mixtapes on others beats, cause they a) know these people or b) no one cares.

Some of ya'll think way too hard about this. Do 1-3 hits and you have better chances than with 10 mediocre songs. heh If stealing gets you to the door crack, don't expect people to be happy about you. I personally would tell the record company I have a 10 times better song written to the beat than yours and offer it to some other artist on their roster and tell you to **** off. And there are producers who will just out of spite or principal deny you rights, 'cause they are pissed you stole it instead of asking. But in the offbeat chance you get a record deal with a beat you have stolen, and the owner of the beat won't give you permission to use it, you're ****ed. There's so many mixtapes out there that it's most likely no one that matters will ever hear yours. Do it to a lawyer and you can loose your house/car/momma/or whatever you have. Do it to a psychopath and you can loose your teeth or something else of importance. Do it for someone with good connections and they can do some pretty bad things to your reputation and chances.